For me, this has been occurring on an almost-daily basis, virtually every time I log in to my MySpace site. I've only been signed-up for a touch over 3 months, but already the diversity and quality of incredibly talented musicians I've come across have been far greater than I ever expected. Cool (often ambient, sometimes ..er..not

This is, of course, only a highly self-selecting & very shallow scraping of the surface of what's out there on the internet, but it serves to highlight the relative paucity of choice offered to us by mainstream music stores and radio broadcasting here in the UK. I know there are a few radio shows devoted to a more eclectic and interesting mix of music, but these are few and far between - and "Late Junction" on BBC radio 3 should now be called "Far-Too-Bleedin'-Late Junction", since they've shoved it back to an 11.15pm slot, damn their eyes! (oh, and their ears - it is radio, after all)

We've long been far too obsessed with what is supposedly "cool", being ironically 'knowing', wearing the right shoes (not to mention being seen in the all the right re-hab clinics). Then there's the current crop of identikit bland guitar bands, such as the Kasabi-Razor-Athlete-Chiefs, who sadly blend into each other with ridiculous ease without ever saying anything insightful (I'd never expect 'originality' - with the sheer volume of rock 'n' roll music that's been created in the last 50 years, that would be an unfair demand to place on the 'commercial' market), or even coming up with a single decent guitar solo between them.

What fascinates me most, perhaps, about this going-global-through-technology phenomenon is the question of who constitutes your audience? When I was in my late teens and early 20's, I spent a lot of time on trains and in railway stations, and I'd regularly wonder about who all these other people travelling like me were, where they were going, what lives they lead - people whose faces you'd see for a few brief moments as you pulled-out, or as your trains passed in opposite directions. Imagining what it felt like to be a rock star, (ahh, the dreams of youth again!

I must admit that in a vaguely related (but very minor & insignificant) way, I'm very curious as to who is actually bothering to read these blog entries...? (MySpace claims there are one or two of you - assuming its stats are at all reliable). As a result, I couldn't resist attaching Google Analytics on my Blogspot page - it doesn't reveal any sensitive/personal info, honest

So I'd like to end with a small request - if anyone's persevered and read down as far as this, please would you leave a comment saying who you are (pseudonyms are cool), and where you're located. Any criticism welcomed (I know I'm an acquired taste

*'Mallet Therapy' (tm) is my own small contribution to medical science, developed in collaboration with my wife, who is a physiotherapist. It's a system of drug-free pain relief to be utilised when all conventional therapeutic approaches have failed. You simply locate the afflicted area/joint/limb/etc, then vigorously apply a large mallet to the patient with significant force, until all the original pain sensations have disappeared. Has been found to be particularly effective in treating cases of severe malingering. May have minor side-effects, such as bruising, bleeding, double vision, etc, but these are only temporary, and should not require more than 2 or 3 days of intensive hospital treatment to eradicate.
Well, I pop in now and then, of course...
yeah, but then you get a starring role in most of the posts, don't you?
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